MHA State Annual Plan
Town of Marshfield
Recertification Information Session
Heat Wave
What to do During Extreme Heat...
- Never leave children or pets alone in a closed vehicle. Even with the windows cracked open, interior temperatures can rise almost 20°F within 10 minutes.
- Slow down and avoid strenuous activity.
- Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. Light colors reflect heat and sunlight, and help maintain normal body temperature.
- Drink plenty of water — even if you are not thirsty. Avoid alcoholic beverages and liquids high in sugar or caffeine. If your doctor generally limits the amount of fluid you drink, ask how much you should drink during hot weather.
- Eat well-balanced, light, regular meals.
- Stay indoors as much as possible and limit exposure to the sun. Do not leave pets outside for extended periods of time.
- If you must be outdoors, limit your outdoor activity to the morning and evening hours. Try to rest often in shady areas so your body temperature will have a chance to recover. Use sunscreen with a high SPF and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
- If you do not have air conditioning, stay on your lowest floor, out of the sun. Avoid using your stove and oven.
- Electric fans may provide comfort, but when the temperature is in the high 90s, fans will not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath or moving to an air-conditioned place is a much better way to cool off. Consider spending time in air-conditioned public spaces, such as schools, libraries, theaters, and other community facilities.
- Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions, those who may need additional assistance, and those who may not have air conditioning.
Stay Cool. Cooling Centers Are Available.

Blood Pressure Clinic Canceled
Due to the weather forecast we will be cancelling our monthly blood pressure clinic for Tuesday, February 13. An alternative date for a blood pressure clinic will be scheduled. Please stay safe and warm.
Notice of a Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing
The Marshfield Housing Authority invites all tenants and the general public to a review of the
Authority's Proposed Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2025. The Annual Plan is intended to provide insight into the Authority’s operations and plans for the coming fiscal year as they affect the Authority’s state-aided public housing. The Proposed Annual Plan is comprised of the following elements:
- Proposed Capital Improvement Plan (5-year)
- Proposed Maintenance and Repair Plan
- Current Operating Budget
- Responses to the Performance Management Review (PMR) findings
- List of housing authority policies
- List of waivers from governing regulations of the Department of Housing andCommunity Development (DHCD)
- Other elements
Hearing time and date: 5:00 PM on 04/02/2024
Hearing location: Marshfield Housing Authority Community Building, 17 Tea Rock Gardens,
Marshfield MA 02050
Residents and the general public are invited to review the Annual Plan before the hearing
and may submit public comments as noted below. The Authority shall consider the
concerns of any Local Tenants’ Organization (LTO) or Resident Advisory Board (RAB)
regarding needs and priorities and incorporate some or all of such needs and priorities in
the draft plan if deemed by the Authority to be consistent with sound management.
Substantive comments will be summarized and included in the Annual Plan when it is
submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).
Copies of the Annual Plan are available at the Authority’s office or may be reviewed
online at Comments may be submitted orally at the hearing, by emailing the housing authority office, or by submitting written comments at the housing authority office. Comments must be received no later than the close of the public hearing. For reasonable accommodation requests contact the housing authority office by 03/18/2024 at 12:00 PM. Contact information for Marshfield Housing Authority:
Office: 12 Tea Rock Gardens, Marshfield, MA 02050
Phone: (781) 834-4333
A Letter from the Executive Director
“Happy and healthy new year. As a reminder, please practice social distancing,
wear a mask when in presence of others, wash hands frequently and sanitize
frequently touched surfaces.
We have several large projects coming up this year, sewer connection at Tea Rock
Gardens, electrical upgrade of the main switch gear as well as generator
installation at Tea Rock and Grace Ryder.
We will continue to work hard to provide you with safe, decent, and sanitary
housing. Please refrain from any smoking in our properties and no open flames are
permitted, including candles. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! God Bless!”
James Marathas
Marshfield Police Department Notice-Weather Concerns
Marshfield Police Department is notifying residents that due to the heat wave this week, cooling centers are available at the Library and the Council on Aging through Saturday, September 9th. Marshfield residents who don't have access to air conditioning and/or have respiratory issues are encouraged to use these or other locations to cool down during this extreme heat. Please see the full notice and available centers.
In addition, hurricane Lee may impact the area. Police are advising residents to please follow guidelines listed issued from the Marshfield Town Hall to prepare you homes and families if Lee should have an impact on the Marshfield community. Please visit:
Marshfield Taxi Service Discontinued
Earlier this year the Quincy Housing Authority was awarded a taxicab grant from Mass Development. This grant provided free taxicab rides for medical appointments, grocery shopping, pharmacy pickups, social and places of worship transportation.
The program has been very successful, but unfortunately the program funding has ended as of July 19th, 2023. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ellie Eastwood in Support Services at 781-834-4333 extension 852.
For transportation to local grocery shopping, in town medical appointments, food pantry & the senior center please utilize the GATRA Dial a Ride offered by Marshfield COA. 781-834-5581. There are schedules available in the office.
Thank you for helping to make these programs successful, the Quincy Housing Authority will continue to provide programs and services that enhance the lives of our residents.
Public Notice
The Quincy Housing Authority (QHA) has created a new Five-Year Action Plan for the Capital Fund Program for years 2023 thru 2027. This Five-Year Action Plan is available for a forty-five (45) day public review and comment period starting Wednesday, March 22, 2023. The Five Year Action Plan is available for inspection in the lobby of the QHA office at 80 Clay St. Quincy, MA and on the QHA website: A public hearing to review any comments on the Five-Year Plan will be held on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the 12th floor conference room at 80 Clay St. Quincy, MA.
James Marathas
Executive Director
Public Notice
The Quincy Housing Authority (QHA) has created a new Five-Year Action Plan for the Capital Fund Program for years 2023 thru 2027. This Five-Year Action Plan is available for a forty-five (45) day public review and comment period starting Wednesday, March 22, 2023. The Five Year Action Plan is available for inspection in the lobby of the QHA office at 80 Clay St. Quincy, MA and on the QHA website: A public hearing to review any comments on the Five-Year Plan will be held on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 1:30 pm in the 12th floor conference room at 80 Clay St. Quincy, MA.
James Marathas
Executive Director
Legal Notice
On Monday, January 23, 2023 the Draft Annual Public Housing Agency Plan of the Quincy Housing Authority (QHA), as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), will be available for a forty-five (45) day public review and comment period. The Draft is available for inspection by the public on the QHA website, and at the Main Office of the Authority, 80 Clay Street, Quincy, Massachusetts, The Draft is also available at each of the following locations: 109 Curtis Avenue, 73 Bicknell Street, and 170 Copeland Street. These locations are all wheelchair accessible and reasonable accommodations will be provided to persons requesting assistance. Please contact the main office should you need a reasonable accommodation. The Agency Plan is scheduled to be submitted to HUD on March 17, 2023 or thereabouts. A Public Hearing to consider comments on the Draft Agency Plan will be held Monday, March 13th, at 4:00 PM in the Community Room on the 12th floor of the QHA’s principal office located at 80 Clay Street, Quincy, MA 02170. Additionally, the Quincy Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will meet on March 16, 2023 at 5:00 pm to consider adoption of the Agency Plan before its submission to HUD; any additional comments on the Agency Plan will be considered up to this meeting. This Board Meeting will also be in the Community Room on the 12th floor at 80 Clay Street. Anyone wishing further information on the QHA’s Agency Plan should contact Carolyn M. Crossley, Assistant Executive Director at (617) 847-4350 ext. 200.
Notice of Public Hearing
The Marshfield Housing Authority invites all tenants and the general public to a review of the Authority's Proposed Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2023.
The Annual Plan is intended to provide insight into the Authority’s operations and plans for the coming fiscal year as they affect the Authority’s state-aided public housing. The Proposed Annual Plan is comprised of the following elements:
- Proposed Capital Improvement Plan (5-year)
- Proposed Maintenance and Repair Plan
- Current Operating Budget
- Responses to the Performance Management Review (PMR) findings
- List of housing authority policies
- List of waivers from governing regulations of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
- Other elements Hearing time and date: 5:30 PM on 04/04/2022
Hearing Location:
If Possible, the hearing will be held in the Community Room at 12 Tea Rock Gardens, Marshfield MA.
If Covid protocols change, we will meet virtually. See below for details.
Residents and the general public are invited to review the Annual Plan before the hearing and may submit public comments as noted below. The Authority shall consider the concerns of any Local Tenants’ Organization (LTO) or Resident Advisory Board (RAB) regarding needs and priorities and incorporate some or all of such needs and priorities in the draft plan if deemed by the Authority to be consistent with sound management. Substantive comments will be summarized and included in the Annual Plan when it is submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).
- Copies of the Annual Plan are available at the Authority’s office or may be reviewed online here.
- Comments may be submitted orally at the hearing, by emailing the housing authority office, or by submitting written comments at the housing authority office. Comments must be received no later than the close of the public hearing.
- For reasonable accommodation requests contact the housing authority office by 03/21/2022 at 4:00 PM.
- Contact information for Marshfield Housing Authority: Office: 12 Tea Rock Gardens, Marshfield, MA 02050 Phone: (781) 834-4333 Email:
Detailed Instructions for Remote Access
If the COVID protocols change, the virtual meeting room will be posted to the Marshfield
Housing Authority website by March 28, 2022.
If the hearing will be in-person, we will meeting in the Community Room at 12 Tea Rock Gardens, Marshfield MA.
Quincy Housing Authority Now Managing Marshfield & Hingham Public Housing
Quincy Housing Authority (QHA) has taken over management of 2 additional housing authorities, Hingham Housing Authority (HHA) in 2019 and Marshfield Housing Authority (MHA) in 2020. Quincy Housing Authority is recognized as a high performing agency and has been successfully managing the two additional authorities. Since new management began, QHA has made many much-needed dramatic improvements at the two properties. QHA is proud of these collaborative agreements and continue to improve the
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