Marshfield Housing Authority residents will host a fall get together Friday, October 6th from 4:00-6:00pm. If you are an MHA resident, come join us for live music, festive soups, sweets, and fall treats.

Marshfield Housing Authority residents will host a fall get together Friday, October 6th from 4:00-6:00pm. If you are an MHA resident, come join us for live music, festive soups, sweets, and fall treats.
17 Tea Rock Gardens
Marshfield, MA 02050
Main Number 781-834-4333
Maintenance issues
Call 617-629-1652
©2023 Marshfield Housing Authority
17 Tea Rock Gardens
Marshfield, MA 02050
Main Number 781-834-4333
Maintenance issues
Call 617-629-1652
©2025 Marshfield Housing Authority