MHA to Apply for Additional Funding for Resident Services

The Marshfield Housing Authority has the opportunity to apply for additional funding for Resident Service Coordinator (RSC) through the Executive Office of Healthy and Livable Communities (EHOLC, formerly DHCD). This funding will provide $10k each year for the life of the total grants for each coordinator. This additional funding would be used to continue to provide residents with the highest quality support services either directly from Marshfield Housing Authority or through our commitment to dedicated partnerships in the community. Below is just a sample of the diversity of services offered through RSC Grants.

  • Food access
  • Blood pressure screenings
  • Flu shots
  • Homemaking
  • Counseling services
  • Transportation assistance
  • Social Inclusion Events
  • Employment & training
  • Family supports

As a requirement for our grant request submission, the Housing Authority is required to notify residents that we intend on applying for additional funding to provide residents with the opportunity to provide their input, ask questions, and for the agency to address any concerns held by residents.

All the information can be found in PHN Notice 2023-18. For questions or concerns or to submit written comments please contact our Resident Service Coordinator:

Ellie Eastwood
Phone: 781-834-4333 x852

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